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  • All
  • Books
  • Decks
  • Japanese tarot
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  • Pre-history
First run deck with two advertisement cards
University Books decks

The second wave of the tarot revolution began here; in America ("Go USA!") by handful of people you have never heard of...

1975 2nd. edition J.K. Tarot set (note card backs)
The Waite=J.K. Tarot decks

The Waite=J.K. Tarot was published by Tairiku Shobou, of Tokyo Japan, first in 1975 and then much later in 1989...

Signature of Court de Gebelin
Antoine Court de Gébelin

Revolutionary, scholar, and snappy dresser Court de Gébelin was a true ladies man and godfather of the modern tarot, as well as an...

Dollhouse sized tarot deck
Dollhouse Tarot

Tiny little tarot cards smaller than a dime. Alice sought to read them, if she only had the time...

  • Wolverine is the Fool
Tarocchi Marvel

In 1995 Lo Scarabeo created a deck of 21 trumps (and a fool card) substituting Marvel superheroes for traditional tarot images...

Etteilla decks

Etteilla was the godfather of tarot divination. These are the decks he (and his students) designed...